This discovery leads to the Albertsons Safeway Merger, to a company that doesn't want to honor claims of acknowledge events near their stores and employees.
IN 2012, my customers were severely beaten, in 2009, a petitioner was beaten in the front of the same store so Senator Feinstein's husband Richard Blum's investors clearly derailed the Anti-Neiman Marcus Campaign. He's also married to a Senator who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee whose friend Hillary Clinton is caught in the scandal.
In 2004, friends of Steve Burd connected to his former Southern Pacific Peer and Safeways long time legal counsel James Greenan.
Senator Feinstein - Seeking Constituent Services (Constituent Discrimination Services)
PLEASANTON, Calif. — Steve Burd (right), chairman and chief executive officer of Safeway here, has sent a letter of apology to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for a joke the chain's general counsel made at last week's annual meeting, according to published reports. The letter from Burd was in addition to a letter reportedly sent to both women by Robert Gordon, who made the joke. Related story: Safeway Battles Image on Two ...
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